Ann Arbor Give Camp 2011

09 Sep
by mjeaton, posted in business, personal, programming   |  Comments Off

The 4th Ann Arbor Give Camp is coming up next week – September 16-18, 2011.

A total of 40 non-profit organizations submitted proposals to us this year. I’m pretty sure that’s a record for us.

We have selected 9 non-profit organizations to help this year. Why so few? To be honest, the number of volunteers has been declining each year and we’re currently at our lowest point yet. With a week remaining before the camp, we have just over 50 volunteers.

If you’d like to volunteer to help out next weekend, please sign up at

The Give Camp will once again be held at Washtenaw Community College. They are an amazing host for this event and this event wouldn’t be possible without their generosity and support. We also have a number of great sponsors this year.

Visit our site for more details.

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